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DIY Concrete Slabs

Concrete Slabs Or Floors

When it comes to projects, many homeowners are fearless, and go head long into do-it-yourself mode. There are many repair jobs and projects that are well-suited for the weekend DIY, but some are not. One example is DIY concrete work.

Successful pouring of concrete slabs or floors require time, patience, careful measurements and calculations because failures and inexperience can be costly to repair or demolish. When you hire us to install your concrete floor or slab, it is not only more cost effective, but it is done properly the first time.

Besides the inexperience, there are many reasons why you should hire a professional to do your work:

  • Pulling permits – many projects require proper building permits
  • Proper mixing
  • Building concrete forms
  • Determining if your project requires reinforcements like rebar
  • Decorative accents – we can add staining, stamping, engraving or polishing to your finished project
  • Allow for the concrete to cure properly
  • Calculate optimal drying times

There are three common DIY mistakes:

  1. Before concrete is poured, a form must be built for the project. Knowing the maximum dimensions of the form is critical to prevent any slumping and cracking of the final project.  A very common mistake is to make the pad too large.
  2. Another mistake is failing to make the concrete form level. The sides of the forms must be carefully laid out in order for your finished project to be level. Also, the foundation must be leveled so that the concrete won’t be too deep in some spots, or to shallow in others. Both will cause uneven drying and deformation.
  3. Often in haste, it can be tempting to bypass carefully measuring, and instead just add water to a dry concrete mix until it ‘looks about right.’ Unfortunately, improperly mixed concrete is more likely to crack. Sometimes cracks can be filled and repaired, but if the foundation or slap is supporting a structure, it requires a major repair, which can be costly to fix.

It takes time to plan, measure, pour, and finish the concrete correctly. At E&K Contractors, we know the value of doing the job right.

As concrete professionals, we are experienced, we get the job done in a proper amount of time, and we have the right equipment. It is more than a wheelbarrow and a level. To ensure the proper finish, you need the proper tools. We understand the characteristics of concrete, and are extremely knowledgeable of the ever-changing weather in Toledo, Ohio and the affect it has on your finished project.

There are some projects that do-it-yourself homeowners should simply consider hiring a professional to complete and concrete work is certainly one of them. When you hire us, you can be sure that the work will actually look like you envisioned.

20 thoughts on “Concrete Slabs Or Floors”

  1. That’s a good point that many projects require building permits. I need to have a concrete pad put in for my new air conditioning unit. I will definitely hire a professional to ensure it is done correctly.

  2. I never knew that most concrete projects nowadays need special permits in order to be done legally. My parents want to build a small path around their yard and so I will check to see if that needs a permit. I’m not very DIY oriented so it might be best to just hire some professionals that can get this yard project done for me.

  3. I appreciate your advice to get the right mold made for the concrete job you are working on. My cousin is trying to get a new concrete pad on his property this month. He wants to build an outdoor sports court and he needs to make sure he is using all the right materials for a job like this.

  4. I need to get a concrete path installed, but I’m not sure how to go about it. It makes sense that I would need to ensure that I have the right permits for this kind of thing! I’ll be sure to work with a professional to help me out with this.

  5. I like your point that a frame should be built before the concrete is actually placed. My cousin is thinking about getting in touch with a local contractor this month. That way, he can fix some of the concrete slabs on the property so that it looks better.

  6. I like your point that a frame should be built before the concrete is actually placed. My cousin is thinking about getting in touch with a local contractor this month. That way, he can fix some of the concrete slabs on the property so that it looks better.

  7. It’s a great point that the professionals will have all the right tools and permits to do the work properly. My sister is trying to get some concrete worked on around her building. She doesn’t have the right experience to do the job so she needs contractors to help out.

  8. I never realized that the frame should be built in a way that makes the level of the slab. My brother is trying to get a contractor to his worksite this fall to work on the project. He needs to make sure the contractor is pretty experienced so that they can do all the work properly.

  9. It’s good to learn that you should make sure there’s a form before concrete is poured. My brother is wanting to get into the concrete industry. I’ll be sure to tell him that he should make sure there’s a form in place before pouring concrete.

  10. The good things!

    Concrete flooring is very durable and very resilient so this makes it difficult to damage. With concrete flooring, you don’t have to worry about things like high heels, pet claws, or furniture legs damaging its surface because it’s just nearly impossible. Concrete flooring requires minimum maintenance. Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for sharing great posts.

  11. Plain concrete slabs have served as the flooring material for basements, garages, patios, and utility areas for many years, but concrete is now also a viable material in home interiors, where it can be polished, etched, or stained to serve as the finished flooring surface.

  12. It was mentioned that professionals have the knowledge and the tools to ensure that the job is done correctly the first time. My brother is wanting to add a master bedroom with a bathroom and large walk in closet onto the back of his house. I wonder if he has thought about calling in the professionals to lay the concrete slab.

  13. It’s good to learn that you should make a form for concrete before you pour it. My wife and I are wanting to build our dream home and we were wondering how we could prepare to build it correctly. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should pour the form of the concrete before actually pouring it.

  14. I’m trying to get a new concrete pad installed for my apartment complex I’m building for the air conditioning unit. It’s good advice about getting the right mold for the concrete job that needs to be worked on. This way, I can have the right dimensions done by a professional so it can last a long time.

  15. It’s great to learn that a form must be build before pouring any concrete. My wife and I are wanting to renovate our backyard patio and we wanted to know how we could effectively pour concrete slabs. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should have a mold in place before pouring any concrete.

  16. That makes sense that the concrete is hard to level sometimes. I am thinking about getting a new concrete floor for my garage, and I wouldn’t want any of my tools or the cars to roll away. I’ll have to get a pro to help me with it so I know it will be level.

  17. It’s great to learn that you should have a form built before any concrete is floored. My wife and I are wanting to renovate our patio and we were wondering how we could prepare for new concrete to be poured. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should have a form built before the concrete is poured.

  18. I appreciate what you said about calculating drying times. I need to get a concrete contractor to fix the crack in my driveway. It is spreading and making everything unlevel.

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