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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Checklist For Your Home

It seems that when spring rolls around homeowners get a burst of energy and get ready for “spring cleaning.” We have a few spring cleaning tips that will give you a “healthier” home.

  1. Clean the coils on your refrigerator’s condenser. This is a do-it-yourself project – one that will help your refrigerator live longer and run cooler once the condenser coils are cleaned. The coils are under or behind the refrigerator and are prone to being covered with dust and dirt and pet hair. If you do it yourself you will need a vacuum cleaner with a hose and a coil brush.
  2. Create a budget for your home repairs. If you have a budget and set aside money on a regular basis you will be well-prepared if you need to have your air conditioner repaired or replaced, hot water heater or plumbing issues. Don’t be blindsided by unexpected emergency repairs. Having a reserve earmarked for home repairs can help you stick to your family budget.
  3. If you have a garage door, make certain it receives regular maintenance – this is especially important if you have an electric door. The coils and electric should be inspected, tightened and lubricated regularly.
  4. If you have a fireplace, the chimney should be cleaned and inspected annually. This is true whether you burn wood or have a gas-fired fireplace. A chimney sweep will clear away all debris and inspect the integrity of the structure.
  5. If you have water in the yard from the snow melt that doesn’t seep into the ground, you may need a sewer inspection to see if pipes have broken or if there is other underground damage that could lead to bigger issues.

Other things you might tackle include sprucing up the house by replacing shower heads, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. Replacing these fixtures will not only give your home an updated beautiful look but they will also help your plumbing run more smoothly, and in some cases, lower your water bill.

What’s on your spring cleaning list for your home?