Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair

One of the most important parts of your home is your foundation. The foundation is what will help to keep your home safe to live in and standing upright for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, if you notice that there are cracks in your foundation, it could be a sign of a serious problem. Many property owners make the mistake of believing that when they see signs of foundation deterioration that it is nothing more than a cosmetic issue, and can be repaired at their leisure.

Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. If left unattended, what may have begun as a simple foundation repair can turn into a far more extensive problem, and can lead structure damage.

If you are seeing signs of damage, or wonder if you have an issue, please give us a call and E & K Contractors to make an appointment for an assessment.

Concrete breakdown is a common occurrence. One of the main causes of the breakdown is because of water around the foundation freezing and then melting. In addition to chipping the foundation, moisture buildup can lead to other issues. We have listed several of them below:

  • Bowing walls
  • Foundation fractures
  • Wall cracks
  • Uneven floors
  • Sticking Windows or doors
  • Damp basement
  • Dipping foundation

Foundation cracks can be caused by numerous other factors as well, including natural disaster – floods, tornadoes, and settlement and upheaval. Once cracked, the foundation can separate at the joints, bugs, water or moisture may enter the home. A hairline crack can grow into a bigger problem. Visually inspect the foundation, and ask yourself: Are there any cracks? If so, are they larger than 1/16 of an inch?  If that’s the case, then it’s time to do something about it.

If you have become aware of concrete deterioration on your property, do not hesitate to call us. Our certified foundation repair and restoration professionals will give you a full damage evaluation and as well as a complete repair estimate completely free. At E & K Contractors, we have all of the necessary equipment, products and the certified experts to ensure that your concrete woes are finished once and for all. Call today for your free estimate with zero obligation and take the first step to put your concrete worries to rest once and for all!

20 thoughts on “Foundation Repair”

  1. After I bought my new home, I noticed that the walls were already cracked. Since the floors were uneven, I thought that it was strange since it was new. I went down the basement and it was damp so there may be some repairs needed for the foundation so I’ll call a company to restore it right away.

  2. After I bought my new home, I noticed that the walls were already cracked. Since the floors were uneven, I thought that it was strange since it was new. I went down the basement and it was damp so there may be some repairs needed for the foundation so I’ll call a company to restore it right away.

  3. That’s interesting that sticking doors can be a sign of having a damaged foundation. I’ve been noticing that my door has been sticking a bit, so I’ll have to check and see if that’s the problem. Hopefully not, since that would be a lot more complicated than replacing the door.

  4. That’s interesting that sticking doors can be a sign of having a damaged foundation. I’ve been noticing that my door has been sticking a bit, so I’ll have to check and see if that’s the problem. Hopefully not, since that would be a lot more complicated than replacing the door.

  5. I found it interesting that without foundation repair, a problem could become much worse, and result in structural damage. My dads house is almost 70 years old, and my siblings and I decided to look into things that may need fixing, or replacing. I will keep this one in mind, and add it to the list of things to check out.

  6. I noticed a crack in my foundation, and I’m not sure what to do. I didn’t know that leaving it like this could cause so many issues in the long run! Maybe it would be a good idea for me to get a professional to fix it up for me. That way, I don’t have to worry about my entire home getting damaged from this.

  7. I noticed cracks in my foundation, and I’m not sure what to do. It makes sense that it would be vital for me to get a professional to take a look at it for me! They would be able to determine what needs to be done to keep the damage from getting worse.

  8. My brother was cleaning the basement when he noticed that the floor has a lot of cracks and he is worried about the foundation. It was explained here that one of the main reasons for concrete breakdown is because of the water around the foundation. Furthermore, it’s recommended to hire professionals for quality foundation repair services.

  9. I appreciated that this article explained the importance of either performing foundation repair or dealing with structural problems later on. My house is really old and we’ve noticed some problems with the foundation. I’ll have to look further into professional foundation repair.

  10. It’s good to know that cracks in the foundation of your home can be indicative of a serious problem. My brother has been telling me about some cracks that he’s found in his basement floor, but he thinks that it’s no big deal. I’ll pass this information along to him so that he can have a professional come and assess the damage that has been done to his foundation.

  11. With my home, it is a bit older and I do think that there are some issues with the foundation. Of the issues you listed here, the wall cracks and uneven flooring is what I’m getting. I’ll probably have to get someone to come and do the repairs for me since I have no experience doing them at all.

  12. It’s very nice to see…I would like to comment your post…You done a great work here.It’s very nice to see. I would like to comment your post. You did a great work here. I am happy to share this post to my friends.

  13. It’s very nice to see…I would like to comment your post…You done a great work here.It’s very nice to see. I would like to comment your post. You did a great work here. I am happy to share this post to my friends.

  14. I noticed some small cracks in the foundation of my basement last night. I think that it was caused by a small earthquake we recently had. It’s good to know that these cracks need to be fixed soon to prevents pests or water damage from occurring.

  15. Thank you for emphasizing that a foundation repair is immensely important because it will prevent the foundation from further damage. The other day I noticed a crack on my basement walls. I will call a contractor to have it fixed immediately.

  16. Thank you for emphasizing that a foundation repair is immensely important because it will prevent the foundation from further damage. The other day I noticed a crack on my basement walls. I will call a contractor to have it fixed immediately.

  17. It makes sense that the moisture issues can lead to some cracks in the foundations. My parents have an older home that is starting to have some big problems right now. They need to get the foundation repaired by a professional so they don’t have to worry about their home getting damaged.

  18. It makes sense that most foundation issues are going to come from natural causes in the area. My cousin is trying to get foundation issues figured out in his new home. He needs to find a contractor in the area that is able to fix these issues before they get worse.

  19. I appreciate that this post emphasized that when choosing a foundation contractor, it is important to choose someone who is licensed. By ensuring that they are licensed, we are certain that they will adhere to the law. Assuming I need a contractor, I will definitely look at their licenses and hire them accordingly.

  20. I appreciate that this post emphasized that when choosing a foundation contractor, it is important to choose someone who is licensed. By ensuring that they are licensed, we are certain that they will adhere to the law. Assuming I need a contractor, I will definitely look at their licenses and hire them accordingly.

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