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Cooking Grease

How To Dispose Of Cooking Grease

We’ve all been told not to drain grease down the sink. It may seem plausible to some, assuming that because grease and oils are liquid it shouldn’t cause damage. Even when running the garbage disposal and using hot water, dumping grease down the sink can cause significant damage to your pipes.

It not only threatens your pipes, but cooking grease and oils can cause significant clogs deeper in the sewer line, many times going unnoticed until it becomes a serious problem. Whether you’re cooking up your favorite bacon dish, frying some french fries or making fried chicken and potatoes, you’ll most likely have leftover oil and grease to deal with. Here are a few ways to determine how to dispose of it.

Is The Oil Hot?

Oil and grease when used to cook with can be extremely hot, many times reaching temperatures over 300 degrees meaning you need to be very careful how you handle it. The best way to handle leftover oil right after cooking is to step away for 30 minutes and let it cool down. After it has reached a manageable temperature, dispose of it in a solid waste container. If you don’t have the time (or the patience) to wait for it to cool down, pour it carefully into a metal container. Plastic or glass containers used for hot grease right after cooking can easily melt or crack from the high temperatures creating a dangerous situation for the both the user and possibly your countertops!

Is The Oil Reusable?

Bacon grease for instance is a reusable oil that can be stored and integrated in to other dishes in the future. Neutral cooking oils are the same and while oil won’t solidify, bacon grease and other fats will which is a primary reason they shouldn’t be disposed of down the drain. Storing these reusable resources not only saves money but reduces waste which is a good reason to store them at room temperature in a safe container and then incorporated into future dishes.

What’s The Best Option?

If you love to cook, using oil while frying and creating grease from some of our favorite foods is inevitable. Although it’s great to be environmentally friendly, many times the best way to dispose of grease is to let it solidify, wipe it clean and dispose of it in the trash. If a mistake is made by pouring it down the drain, don’t fret, just be more conscious the next time. If it happens too many times and a clog does develop, contact your professional plumbing contractor to assess the situation before it becomes a major problem. Noticeable clog indications include slow draining water for catch basins & storm drains
, bubbling or gurgling or backed up sinks. Being proactive is the best way to prevent damage to water pipes and sewer lines so being conscious is an important factor to keeping your water flowing smoothly.

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